Drone Surveys
Independent Roof and Building Survey
A roof is one of the most difficult areas of a building to survey. There are a number of items that are traditionally required for surveyors to complete an in-depth report. Equipment such as cherry pickers, MEWPs, or scaffolding are generally required. Even then you still can’t achieve the angles and overviews that a drone survey allows. The equipment required also comes with associated addional time and expense. For example, if you are surveying a roof on a main road, you may require permits and lane closures. You then also have the issue of working at height which is a definite risk to life or serious injury, no matter what the situation. However, a Drone survey is faster, cheaper, and more accurate data for you and your clients.
By carrying out a drone survey, we can complete a task that could take days (or even weeks on larger buildings or sites) into much smaller time frames. Not only that, we do it with fewer people and can reach parts of the roof that you could never dream of using old-style surveying methods.
Please contact us to discuss your requirement further